Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Issues

2nd Amendment rights:
I believe in all Americans right to bear arms. It is a God given right that should never be abused. I also believe that all gun crimes must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Women's Reproductive Rights:
I believe in a woman's right to choose, but I am not pro-choice just for the sake of abortions. I believe that there are solutions to the problems. When the life of the mother is at risk, it is best to assume that the child is dead already. In cases of insect, if the state has no anti-insect laws on the books then it must not be granted. In cases of rape, the state may compensate the victim if the child is to be Ward of the State. I also believe that woman's right to birth control can reduce the risks of unwanted pregnancy and is fundamental to society because I consider birth control to be medicine and not evil because it stops conception from taking place.


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