Wednesday, August 28, 2013

To all tea party voters

First off, I'm not going to talk about voter fraud or any republican or democrat who does not share your values. First off, I don't share the values of the tea party but the fact that we still have those values is something to be proud of. Regardless of what happened in 2012, even though I was rooting for the president to win re-election I'm with you. The state of South Carolina needs an honest man in Washington but that man is not Mick Mulvaney. The truth about the tea party movement as some of you know is that it is a grassroots movement but the fact that you never appointed a chair person for a national party is a major problem. In order to be more competitive you can't just limit yourselves to the republican party, you also need to extend to the democratic party starting in the 2014 midterm cycle. The democrats to have conservative members who are willing to listen to you and address your needs.

You may not believe me but you should know that it wasn't just ordinary people donating to tea party causes, the biggest donors are the richest men and women in America. You know their names, Charles and David Koch, Sheldon Adelson, Donald Trump, Art Pope, the list goes on. If you work for one of these groups, check your list of donors and see if I'm lying. Club for Growth being the one of the biggest organizations and they are to blame for why Mulvaney is in Washington at this very moment.

Everything you care about, welfare reform, 2nd amendment rights, the supreme court, the sc data breach, exe. I plan to address all of it if you would want me to be your man in Washington.

One thing since being an SSI(Supplemental Security income) and medicaid recipient. The help I've gotten from them is the only reason why I would even be able to put my name forth. My plan for welfare reform is not to privatize it but to keep it in the hands of the government. Get recipients of SSI in particular on a short term or long term road to full self reliance throw the creation of an expansion to the program where recipients could save up to for a 3 year period in the bank until that benefit is reduced and they can start borrowing from the account with no fees. It can go up to $250,000 after it goes over that amount the federal government and the state collects taxes on it.

Now if you are against big government, guess what. So am I. I am also against small government. If the government is too big, spending is more likely to get out of control. If the government is too small, that has the potential to drive up our national dept even faster and higher then you can think of at this point. The people I represent, a small group that's pretty much new on facebook called American Workers United believes in smart government, who knows to save the money it takes in and doesn't just spend it on just random pointless stuff. Keep our tax dollars in the bank until something comes along where we really need to spend money.

We got along way to go, but the corruption in the Tea Party caucus is well known even outside the mainstream media. A vote for me on November 4, 2014 is making a statement that we now taking our country back from the corrupt. The wolves in sheeps clothing that pretended to have your best intrust at heart. I will speak to as many of you as I can one on one at each rally as I can, no requirements except to just be there.

Robert C. McGee